MICM Update

Samantha Lim has replaced Ashley Taylor as our new Owners Corporation Manager at MICM. Please welcome Samantha to her new role and we thank Ashley and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

If you need to contact Samantha for any Owners Corporation matters, her email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To ensure consistency, Samantha is also monitoring Ashleigh’s email box.

Pool Update

Now that the immediate issue of broken pipes and pool leakages has been addressed we need to focus on the safety and cosmetic aspects of the pool. The CoM are looking into options for improving decking surrounding the pool and repairing any rust issues.
So far we have received 1 quote to do an update of the pool surroundings (pool coping, tiling, smoothing out concrete floor). A second quote is being obtained at present.

There are areas of rust appearing on some of the pool posts that will require either repairs or replacement. A structural engineer (from Structerre Engineering) had been consulted for inspection and a report will provided to the CoM on their recommendations in the next month. Based on their initial inspection, the engineer believes we have about 2 years left before the posts requires repairs/replacement.

The pool refurbishment make take 2-3 months to complete and we are aiming to commence works in March/April 2024. This will allow our residents to use the pool during the summer 2023/2024 without any interruptions.

Sewer Maintenance

The Willsmere sewer system is 30 years old and needs regular preventative maintenance to minimise the risk of issues. Deep cleaning works have been approved by CoM and will be carried out by Simon Mills Plumbing.  Simon has also been tasked with suggesting any additions or modifications that may improve reliability of the system.

CCTV Cameras

There will be updates of old cameras and new cameras will be installed around Gate 5, 6, gym and pool. This will commence in late August/September.

Townhouse Roof Updates

Cleaning is almost completed and we have approved a roof specialist (Heasly and Sons) to begin working on sealing the roofs during August/September. This will help minimise any water leak issues and is part of our ongoing initiative to reduce insurance claims with preventative maintenance measures.

Hot Water Units (HWUs) in Heritage Area

Due to changes in building codes we need to alter the hot water unit installations in the Heritage section to make them compliant. The CoM has been working with MICM, The Victorian Building Authority and consultants to work out the most cost effective way to make these changes.

A preliminary proposal from Ascot Engineering regarding HWUs installations at Willsmere has been circulated for the CoM to review. Once agreed by the CoM, the report will be forwarded to the Victoria Building Authority (VBA) for their approval. 

There will be an information session presented to the residents in the next coming months where we will outline the works we have done so far and what the future steps are.

Laundry Chimney Inspection

The CoM has consulted with Structerre Engineers to conduct an inspection and report on the chimney.

Long Term Maintenance Plan (LTMP)

The CoM is working with both MICM and a consulting firm to develop a Willsmere LTMP for the next 5-10 years. More information to come.

Children’s Playground

The CoM would like a sub-committee to be involved in a new playground solution. Andrew Marshall will lead this project and sub-committee. If any of the Willsmere current residents would like to be part of this project, please email Andrew on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest.


Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.