If you have a 'real' Christmas Tree and are wanting to dispose of it, please do not just take it to the hard rubbish site.
Regular council hard rubbish collections don't take Christmas Trees, you need to order a special one.

Willsmere is allowed collection of up to 256 Christmas Trees, but due to some council bureacracy, Jay is not allowed to arrange a group collection on our behalf.  Bookings must be made by individual residents.  If you would like a collection, please use the booking form in the link provided and leave the tree at the hard rubbish site.  Please also let Jay know you have done this so he is aware of numbers.

If you have already left a tree at the hard rubbish site but haven't arranged a pick up, please use the link to book a pick up for your tree now.
The collections will not cost Willsmere anything if you follow these guidlines.  If you just dump your tree, we will have to pay to have it professionally removed.

All trees collected by the council will be turned in to chip bark for playgrounds and mulch.


(do not use the link to book a regular hard rubbish collection, the procedures for hard rubbish are listed here)



Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.