2019 Com

Buildings and Vehicle accessibility Sub-Com (Marcus, Angela, Carl, Andrew Barrington, Diane)


Finance Sub-CoM  (Thomas, Andrew Brydon, Diane, Angela)


Grounds Sub-Com (Rachael, Marcia, Thomas, Andrew Barrington, Tom)


Communications and Protocols Sub-Com (Rachael, Carl, Marcia, Marcus, Andrew Barrington)


2018 CoM

Security Sub-CoM (Marcus, Angela, Andrew Brydon)

1. Consider the need for additional cameras, and define who has access

2. Ensure the Salto system is effective and fob/buzzers audited

3. Develop a solution to the frequently failing vehicular gates

4. Investigate options for better security around perimeter fences

5. Review and communicate processes for ambulance and emergency services access

Pool Sub-CoM (Nathan, Andrew Barrington)

1. Prepare a business case examining an upgrade versus refurbishment of the pool and


2. Conduct any surveys, Special Resolutions, community consultation or such that may be

necessary to make a decision

Finance Sub-CoM (Angela, Marcia, Rachel)

1. Oversee the financial management of the Willsmere Owners Corporation (WOC)

2. Establish expenditure approval policies, including quote and tender requirements

3. Ensure adequate accrual for, and allocation to the LTMP

4. Decide on any investment, or reinvestments while ensuring adequate liquidity

Buildings and Vehicle Accessibility Sub-CoM (Marcus, Jack, Nathan, Angela)

1. Examine the possibility to reconnect to Main Drive, including thorough consultation,

detailed business case, cost-benefit valuations, security, etc.

2. Consider the existing lease of Willsmere owned land to Parks Victoria and any other

possible options/ uses (including risks)

3. Oversee completion of the heritage and townhouse building restoration, incl. any

necessary repairs

4. Oversee any major works necessary or as scheduled in the LTMP

5. Address the need for approval from Heritage Victoria for all internal modifications

6. Consider the request for a “Men’s Shed” project including possible issues and solutions

Communications Sub-CoM (Jack, Marcia, Andrew Barrington, Rachel)

1. Manage ongoing updates to www.Willsmere.net, including a simple publication


2. Create a plan to connect Willsmere to hi-speed internet

3. Coordinate the issuing of periodic newsletters

4. Coordinate yearly participation in Open House Melbourne

5. Create and coordinate a Willsmere community engagement process

Grounds Sub-CoM (Nathan, David, Mitra AO, Mitra J, Andrew Barrington)

1. Develop and maintain a Gardens Long Term Plan (GLTP)

2. Oversee the contract for maintenance of the entire gardens and lawns with adequate KPIs


Sustainability Sub-CoM (Marcus, Jack, David, Mitra AO)

1. Examine solar power options for the WOC, including the possibility to meter surplus to residents

2. Explore broader sustainability options and possible funding available


Protocols, Rules and Risk Sub-CoM (Mitra AO, Marcia, Andrew Barrington)

1. Review existing Willsmere “Rules” and manage the process for change should this be decided

2. Review proposed “Rules breech” process and provide recommendation to CoM

3. Review proposed “Car breech” process and provide recommendation to CoM

4. Review the function room and other common area protocols and draft changes if required

5. Develop a policy on acceptable use of common areas

6. Review / develop a new resident induction process and paperwork

7. Develop a strategic plan / vision for Willsmere

The attached document is a user guide for updating and creating content on the Willsmere.net website.

Willsmere Website Manual

Administration Portal


As the title says, the latest newsletter has been posted online.  Residents and owners should recieve a paper copy in the mail some time very soon, although we are looking to reduce the amount of paper copies at some stage in the future.

Feb 2018 CoM Newsletter

Previous CoM Newsletters and updates

All CoM internal communications can be posted here.

Anything that we need to have regular access to can also be posted in this location. 
Please contact Marcus if you would like anything added and are not sure of the procedure.

CoM sub committees and members

Willsmere Website Documentation

Willsmere Photo Contest test page

Content to come.


Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.